Trip Ready

#Case-Study  #App  #UX / UI  #Platform-Dev

Trip Ready

The First Medical & Security App of It's Kind Just for Pilots & Flight Operators

MY ROLE:  Project Lead
AGENCY: Xhibit Corp

WHAT I DID: Product Concept, UX Strategy/Research, Led Brainstorm/Ideation Sessions, Budget Planning, Business/Functional Requirements & Work Breakdown

Converting a 200-Page Book Into an Interactive App for Multiple Devices.

The Client had initially approached me about turning their medical guide into a navigatable interactive PDF. Unaware that they were actually describing app-like features, I had suggested we start with several brainstorm sessions to flush out a detailed product definition. The idea of building an app had never even crossed their minds.

The aviation industry wasn't too tech savvy, so there were not similar apps to draw inspiration from. I explained the capabilities of what a mobile app could do and how it could improve their initial goal. More importantly, I explained how it could retain existing subscribers as well as increase their overall acquisition rate.


The first medical & security app of its kind...More >


An enterprise S.O.S. app that shows users the information they need to understand and mitigate medical & security risks based on their itinerary.


Target devices, technologies used...More >



iOS, Android, Mac & PC Devices

• Node JS Backend
• React JS Frontend


Huge increase in both retention & customer acquisition...More >


★★★★★ On the App Store

Tripled their subscriber base, lowered churn by 11% resulting in a big jump in Customer Lifetime Value!

Medaire Trip Ready App
Research & Use Cases

My goal for this project was to make it feel like a pilot's companion app. Something in which they cannot live without when flying to a destination. Their medical guide was very comprehensive, but would only be used in emergency situations. I wanted the app to almost act like a personalized "Trip Advisor", exclusively for pilots and flight departments.

In order to do that, I knew we had to have real-world users to survey. So I wrote up a list of questions and had the Client Reps reach out directly to interview their subscribers. I had the team search for all the aviation apps on the market and then mapped out our competitive advantage.

Features & Application Flow

Features were not easy to put together, as a lot of them required the use of 3rd party API's. I'm not a fan of these types of dependencies, however, it was the majority of the app requirements.

I set up several brainstorm sessions with all of the project stakeholders with the intention of producing actionable user stories. This translated to defined workflows (onboarding, dashboard, alerts...etc). Once all of the high-level features and flow were defined, we had our MVP scope.

Wireframes & Prototypes

We had two experiences to map out: one for subscribers and one for non-subscribers. I sketched out multiple wireframes and had my Creative Director take it from there. We worked together to sketch initial layouts and had the production team build out the rest. I was also constantly working with the client to make sure our team had everything we needed and that they were a part of the design process. 

Click here to see an early interactive prototype
(it may have some typo's as this was pre-QA)

Visual Design

Visual design ran concurrently with the wireframing process. We ran 2-week sprints in which we would wireframe, design & build the completed features. Our efforts prompted the client to standardize their design system in subsequent apps and marketing materials.

Following this project, we were awarded the buildout for iOS & Android Phones, Native Mac App, and Native Windows App for a job well done.

Initial Onboarding (not all shown)

Dashboard with Active Alerts
Destination City Details
Destination Country News
Local Dining Options with Geotargeting
Briefs Feature with Local Caching
Briefs Feature with Local Caching
  • Tripled Subscriber Rate in 8-Months
  • Reduced Churn by 11%
  • 5-Star Rating in the Apple Store
  • Increased Repeat Purchases on Medical Kits
  • Extremely Happy Clients 🙂